Article 17114

Title of the article



Voloshina Ol'ga Borisovna, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economic cybernetics, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Bank profit is one of the indicators of its successful functioning and serves as one of the important factors in attracting new shareholders and consolidation of customers’ confidence. The aim of the article is to consider the system of business bank’s profitability estimation and management; to suggest and to test a new model of profit multiple regression.
Materials and methods. Methodologically the study is based of the dialectical method of cognition and the system approach. In the course of the research the author used such general scientific methods as scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, the method of grouping, comparisons etc.
Results. In the course of researching the approaches to estimation of factors’ influence on percentage of income and expenses of a bank the author enhanced these factor models. To determine the reserves of increasing effectiveness of bank’s activity and to forecast bank’s profit the researcher developed a multifactor correlation-reggression model of bank’s profit analysis by the example of one bank in Saratov region.
Conclusions. The important scientific results of the research, characterizing its novelty and the author’s contribution, consist in the following: the author enhanced the factor model of analyzing business bank’s interest yields and costs due to introduction of factors of average duration of a single turn of assets and average time of the obtained fund being in bank’s turn over, as well as average one-day pay off and expense turnover; the researcher developed a model of profit multiple regression, quantitatively displaying this indicator being influenced by such factors as the balance on customers’ accounts, the volume of the given credits, the sum of the issued securities debts, credit indebtedness etc.

Key words

bank, interest yields, interest cost, factors, model

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Дата создания: 26.09.2014 08:53
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 12:10